- class panoptica.instance_approximator.ConnectedComponentsInstanceApproximator(cca_backend: CCABackend | None = None)
Instance approximator using connected components algorithm for panoptic segmentation evaluation.
- cca_backend
The connected components algorithm backend.
- Type:
- __init__(self, cca_backend
CCABackend) -> None: Initialize the ConnectedComponentsInstanceApproximator.
- _approximate_instances(self, semantic_pair
SemanticPair, **kwargs) -> UnmatchedInstancePair: Approximate instances using the connected components algorithm.
Example: >>> cca_approximator = ConnectedComponentsInstanceApproximator(cca_backend=CCABackend.cc3d) >>> semantic_pair = SemanticPair(…) >>> result = cca_approximator.approximate_instances(semantic_pair)
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- _approximate_instances(semantic_pair: SemanticPair, **kwargs) UnmatchedInstancePair
Approximate instances using the connected components algorithm.
- Parameters:
semantic_pair (SemanticPair) – The semantic pair to be approximated.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
The result of the instance approximation.
- Return type:
- classmethod _yaml_repr(node) dict
- class panoptica.instance_approximator.InstanceApproximator
Abstract base class for instance approximation algorithms in panoptic segmentation evaluation.
- None
- _approximate_instances(self, semantic_pair
SemanticPair, **kwargs) -> UnmatchedInstancePair | MatchedInstancePair: Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for instance approximation.
- approximate_instances(self, semantic_pair
SemanticPair, **kwargs) -> UnmatchedInstancePair | MatchedInstancePair: Perform instance approximation on the given SemanticPair.
- Raises:
AssertionError – If there are negative values in the semantic maps, which is not allowed.
Example: >>> class CustomInstanceApproximator(InstanceApproximator): … def _approximate_instances(self, semantic_pair: SemanticPair, **kwargs) -> UnmatchedInstancePair | MatchedInstancePair: … # Implementation of instance approximation algorithm … pass … >>> approximator = CustomInstanceApproximator() >>> semantic_pair = SemanticPair(…) >>> result = approximator.approximate_instances(semantic_pair)
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- abstract _approximate_instances(semantic_pair: SemanticPair, **kwargs) UnmatchedInstancePair | MatchedInstancePair
Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for instance approximation.
- Parameters:
semantic_pair (SemanticPair) – The semantic pair to be approximated.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
The result of the instance approximation.
- Return type:
UnmatchedInstancePair | MatchedInstancePair
- _yaml_repr(node) dict
- approximate_instances(semantic_pair: SemanticPair, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs) UnmatchedInstancePair | MatchedInstancePair
Perform instance approximation on the given SemanticPair.
- Parameters:
semantic_pair (SemanticPair) – The semantic pair to be approximated.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
The result of the instance approximation.
- Return type:
UnmatchedInstancePair | MatchedInstancePair
- Raises:
AssertionError – If there are negative values in the semantic maps, which is not allowed.
- class panoptica.instance_matcher.DesperateMarriageMatching
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- class panoptica.instance_matcher.InstanceMatchingAlgorithm
Abstract base class for instance matching algorithms in panoptic segmentation evaluation.
- None
- _match_instances(self, unmatched_instance_pair
UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) -> Instance_Label_Map: Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for instance matching.
- match_instances(self, unmatched_instance_pair
UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) -> MatchedInstancePair: Perform instance matching on the given UnmatchedInstancePair.
Example: >>> class CustomInstanceMatcher(InstanceMatchingAlgorithm): … def _match_instances(self, unmatched_instance_pair: UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) -> Instance_Label_Map: … # Implementation of instance matching algorithm … pass … >>> matcher = CustomInstanceMatcher() >>> unmatched_instance_pair = UnmatchedInstancePair(…) >>> result = matcher.match_instances(unmatched_instance_pair)
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- abstract _match_instances(unmatched_instance_pair: UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) InstanceLabelMap
Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses for instance matching.
- Parameters:
unmatched_instance_pair (UnmatchedInstancePair) – The unmatched instance pair to be matched.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
The result of the instance matching.
- Return type:
- _yaml_repr(node) dict
- match_instances(unmatched_instance_pair: UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) MatchedInstancePair
Perform instance matching on the given UnmatchedInstancePair.
- Parameters:
unmatched_instance_pair (UnmatchedInstancePair) – The unmatched instance pair to be matched.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
The result of the instance matching.
- Return type:
- class panoptica.instance_matcher.MatchUntilConvergenceMatching
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- class panoptica.instance_matcher.MaximizeMergeMatching(matching_metric: Metric = Metric.IOU, matching_threshold: float = 0.5)
Instance matching algorithm that performs many-to-one matching based on metric. Will merge if combined instance metric is greater than individual one. Only matches if at least a single instance exceeds the threshold
- _match_instances(self, unmatched_instance_pair
UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) -> Instance_Label_Map:
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the specified IoU threshold is not within the valid range.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- _match_instances(unmatched_instance_pair: UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) InstanceLabelMap
Perform one-to-one instance matching based on IoU values.
- Parameters:
unmatched_instance_pair (UnmatchedInstancePair) – The unmatched instance pair to be matched.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
The result of the instance matching.
- Return type:
- classmethod _yaml_repr(node) dict
- new_combination_score(pred_labels: list[int], new_pred_label: int, ref_label: int, unmatched_instance_pair: UnmatchedInstancePair)
- class panoptica.instance_matcher.NaiveThresholdMatching(matching_metric: Metric = Metric.IOU, matching_threshold: float = 0.5, allow_many_to_one: bool = False)
Instance matching algorithm that performs one-to-one matching based on IoU values.
- iou_threshold
The IoU threshold for matching instances.
- Type:
- __init__(self, iou_threshold
float = 0.5) -> None: Initialize the NaiveOneToOneMatching instance.
- _match_instances(self, unmatched_instance_pair
UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) -> Instance_Label_Map: Perform one-to-one instance matching based on IoU values.
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the specified IoU threshold is not within the valid range.
Example: >>> matcher = NaiveOneToOneMatching(iou_threshold=0.6) >>> unmatched_instance_pair = UnmatchedInstancePair(…) >>> result = matcher.match_instances(unmatched_instance_pair)
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- _match_instances(unmatched_instance_pair: UnmatchedInstancePair, **kwargs) InstanceLabelMap
Perform one-to-one instance matching based on IoU values.
- Parameters:
unmatched_instance_pair (UnmatchedInstancePair) – The unmatched instance pair to be matched.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments.
- Returns:
The result of the instance matching.
- Return type:
- classmethod _yaml_repr(node) dict
- panoptica.instance_matcher.map_instance_labels(processing_pair: UnmatchedInstancePair, labelmap: InstanceLabelMap) MatchedInstancePair
Map instance labels based on the provided labelmap and create a MatchedInstancePair.
- Parameters:
processing_pair (UnmatchedInstancePair) – The unmatched instance pair containing original labels.
labelmap (Instance_Label_Map) – The instance label map obtained from instance matching.
- Returns:
The result of mapping instance labels.
- Return type:
Example: >>> unmatched_instance_pair = UnmatchedInstancePair(…) >>> labelmap = [([1, 2], [3, 4]), ([5], [6])] >>> result = map_instance_labels(unmatched_instance_pair, labelmap)
- panoptica.instance_evaluator._evaluate_instance(reference_arr: ndarray, prediction_arr: ndarray, ref_idx: int, eval_metrics: list[Metric]) dict[Metric, float]
Evaluate a single instance.
- Parameters:
ref_labels (np.ndarray) – Reference instance segmentation mask.
pred_labels (np.ndarray) – Predicted instance segmentation mask.
ref_idx (int) – The label of the current instance.
iou_threshold (float) – The IoU threshold for considering a match.
- Returns:
Tuple containing True Positives (int), Dice coefficient (float), and IoU (float).
- Return type:
Tuple[int, float, float]
- panoptica.instance_evaluator.evaluate_matched_instance(matched_instance_pair: MatchedInstancePair, eval_metrics: list[Metric] = [Metric.DSC, Metric.IOU, Metric.ASSD], decision_metric: Metric | None = Metric.IOU, decision_threshold: float | None = None, **kwargs) EvaluateInstancePair
Evaluate a given MatchedInstancePair given metrics and decision threshold.
- Parameters:
processing_pair (MatchedInstancePair) – The matched instance pair containing original labels.
labelmap (Instance_Label_Map) – The instance label map obtained from instance matching.
- Returns:
Evaluated pair of instances
- Return type: